Infrastructure has been an area almost dominated by the large local infrastructure players in Brazil. The current landscape is changing, and there seems to be more opportunities for foreign companies to play a more active role. The Brazilian Government has elected infrastructure as one of the priorities and has also improved the rules to attract more investors.
Below a sample of greenfield project opportunities developed by Mackenzie International Strategies:
Eco-Charcoal for Steel Metallurgy
Agroindustrial project for the production of ecological charcoal of high quality for steel metallurgy aplications from reforested native tree coconuts (Babacu, Macauba), with gain of carbon credits, in modules of 20,000 ha. with Brazilian government incentives and tax exemptions.
Primary Steel Metallurgy (Fe, Mn, and other specialty minerals)
Transformation (reduction) of ores to metals, from operating mines, in areas with accessible energy and logistics. This reduction to metals facilitates the logistics for export. Investment to be defined as a function of supply of the ores and pre-established export sales contracts.
Atlantic Ocean Port and Multimodal Logistic Complex
The Atlantic Port aims to be a significant engineering feat and important factor for the development of the State of Sao Paulo and of the Brazilian Industrial System. It
integrates the marketing logistics, the operational activities, and delivery of cargo to domestic and
international markets.
AlligateWaste Project (Projeto Jacalixo)
it is an eco environmental, organic project, generator of employment and income in the Pantanal biome. It involves the breeding of the Crocodylus Yacare (jacaré do Pantanal), to resolve the
problem of the final disposal of organic municipal and industrial urban waste. It aims for the gradual reduction of the organic urban waste in stock in the landfills of the Pantanal region, and the
commercial exploration of the products arising from the breeding of the jacaré do Pantanal such as, its meat, skin, and leather.
Family Owned Industrial Plants in various sectors
Considering the projects we have developed across a variety of industrial sectors, we noticed that Brazil industrial sector is going through a transformation of its small-medium size industrial enterprises into companies that require technical support and direct financial investment for their expansion programs. Two specific investment situations can be pursued: